A Gathering of Amazons, Dianic Witches, and Goddess Women
in Female Sovereign Space
Our 2025 Virtual Daughters of Diana Gathering dates are:
April 25th-27th - SAVE THE DATE!
SHE WHO BRINGS THE LIGHT: Artemis Phosophorus, The Mystery of Mysteries
With Carla Ionescu, PhD
This lecture will focus on the rarely discussed representation of Artemis Phosophorus, Torch-Bearer or Light Bringer, through the lens of academic research and the private collection of images gathered by Dr. Ionescu.
When people think of torch-bearing Goddesses in the ancient Hellenic World, they tend to imagine Hekate or Demeter, even Persephone. Although there are numerous artifacts and stories told by ancient travellers of Artemis being distinguished as Phosophorus, this role is almost never discussed in modern scholarship. And yet, Artemis plays a key role at the mysteries of Eleusis, as protector of Demeter and Persephone, as well as one of the chthonic divinities worshipped there. She is often depicted as carrying two torches at Lykosoura and all over the ancient Mediterranean. What does it mean for a Hunter Goddess to also be Light-Bringer? How does this tie into her role as Soteria, Saviour, and what is the salvation her light offers?
Much of the rituals and worship surrounding Artemis as Torch Bearer is still a mystery. In this lecture Dr. Ionescu will endeavor to share some rare temple stories and traditions that have been brought to light through archeological discoveries and supported by Pausanias’ travel ‘blog’ in the 2nd century CE. Using both ancient artifacts and this ancient primary source, Dr. Ionescu will present a selection of exceptional Artemis rituals and practices in places such as Eleusis and other cities in the Hellenic world.
Presenter Bio:
Dr. Carla Ionescu is one of the leading experts in the worship and ritual of the goddess Artemis, both in the Greek
world and the Near East. She spends most of her time teaching in the field of Ancient History and Mythology and
developing The Artemis Research Centre. Dr. Ionescu travels regularly to Europe and the United States as a guest
lecturer, she also leads workshops and retreats in the field of Ancient Mythology and World Religions.
With Cybele
We often describe the seasonal Maiden as courageous and Amazonian, independent, wild, and free. But there is another side to the Maiden we may not be so comfortable with; she’s vulnerable, soft, warm, deep, intuitive, and empathetic. Decisions made as maidens can govern us for the rest of our lives; and under patriarchy choices are limited: we can get power by imitating the system, or we follow the societal norms for womyn. These divide us both from each other as well as from aspects of ourselves. As Kore’s decision to enter the underworld results in her learning from her wise-womon self, so can we renew ourselves in the spring by reclaiming and healing our inner maiden and become whole unto ourselves.
You will need a journal and writing implement, a candle and match, and a willingness to go within yourself for this workshop.
Presenter Bio:
Cybele is a crone and hereditary witch initiated into Dianic Wicca in the mid-nineties with her daughter through
Circle of Aradia and Ruth Barrett. A graduate of the Spiral Door program and an ordained priestess of Temple of
Diana, she serves on the Temple of Diana board and is the convening priestess for Chalice Moon Grove/Temple of
Diana, Inc. She firmly supports female sovereign space and works tirelessly to empower all womyn to think and live
outside the box promoted by the current patriarchal paradigm. Using her psychic skills as "priestess of inner knowing,"
Cybele is an accomplished ritualist and has been teaching and holding moon circles since 2005. She is also a facilitator
at Circle of Aradia rituals and a melissae priestess for the Goddess Temple of Orange County.
With Atana Mountainash
She who is of Ocean, Sky, Sacred Body and Passion's Fire-
You already know Her.
Call Her Love.
Call Her Joy.
Call Her Golden Aphrodite.
Together we will explore the preciousness of life, the biophilia, the elixir of love & love of self that Aphrodite embodies. Hers is the powerful wild Magic that energizes our spells. Join us!
Womyn to please bring:
Scented blessing oil
Water or red drink in a chalice (no alcohol, please)
A pink or red candle with matches
A mirror- full length preferred but a small one is acceptable.
Wear a comfortable robe or whatever makes you feel especially beautiful.
Presenter Bio:
Assistant Grove Priestess ATANA MOUNTAINASH was ordained as Ritual Priestess of the Sacred Grove in 2022. She first gathered alongside many other women on the Dianic path and Temple of Diana founders Ruth Barrett and Falcon River on Hallows 2015. Her ministry consists of seasonal and lunar ritual facilitation with Circle of Aradia and Guardians of the Grove, and she holds center for local Full Moon rituals. She has served as Teaching Assistant for COA High Priestess Cerridwyn RoseLabrys' Taking the Dianic Path series, and has co-taught several workshops with Cerridwyn and Deputy Convening Priestess Hestia Bee. Atana holds an M.A. and B.A. in European History.
with Hestia Bee
Key 6 of the Tarot Major Arcana is the Lovers card. While commonly associated with partnership and harmony between people, this card's deeper meanings speak to themes of choice, self-awareness, desire, and communication. Change is coming and the Lovers suggests there's a dynamic magnetism at play. This workshop is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of this Tarot card and the questions it poses for you.
Hestia's Tarot Exploration series is an ongoing series of individual workshops exploring the Tarot Major Arcana in greater depth. The Lovers is a new workshop offered for the first time at DODG.
Bring to the workshop: A Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, and an orange or violet candle (with candle holder and
matches). Optional: Make a Lovers altar by opening to what you're inspired to gather.
Presenter Bio:
Hestia Bee began her studies in Dianic Craft in the late 1980s with Ruth Barrett after attending a memorable
Autumn Equinox ritual with Los Angeles area grove Circle of Aradia (COA). She quickly became interested in
ritual facilitation and joined the COA cohort of ritual facilitators while continuing to study. Hestia was ordained
a Dianic Priestess of Ritual by Ruth Barrett in 1992. She has served in leadership in many capacities at Circle of Aradia. She serves on the current Spiritual Service Circle and teaches workshops and class series. Hestia also “moonlights” as a teacher’s assistant for the online classes of Temple of Diana priestesses Ruth Barrett and Falcon River. In 2020, Hestia was honored to be asked by High Priestess Cerridwyn RoseLabrys to serve as Deputy Convening Priestess of COA and will fill in for the High Priestess in the event of her absence from duty. Hestia’s magickal specialties include ritual design and facilitation, divination, and education. Hestia is the mother of an adult daughter. She enjoys road trips, practicing yoga, and following a host of true-crime podcasts. Hestia holds an undergraduate degree in Women’s Studies and master’s degrees in Counseling and Behavior Analysis.
With Cristina Pandolfo
During this workshop we will learn how to connect and create a relationship with Plants Spirits as allies for your spiritual and magical practice. What you will need: Access to a living plant, a dry herb, or a bottle of essential oil of your preference.
Presenter Bio:
Cristina is the creatrix and owner of the occult botanica 'In Lumine Lunae', she has been initiated in the Dianic
Tradition and officially ordained Dianic Clergy (Priestess) by the Temple of Diana (Los Angeles, CA). She is also
an author, esoteric herbalist, certified Plant Spirit Healing practitioner, trained in herbal medicine, member of
the British Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP) and landscape architect specialized in healing gardens and
therapeutic landscape.
Cristina has been teaching classes and workshops about witchcraft and female spirituality in Italy and abroad since 2010.