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Dedicated for almost 50 years to women's magic and mysteries, Ruth Barrett is a Dianic high priestess, ritualist, teacher, author, and award-winning recording artist of original Goddess songs and chants. Ruth's numerous recordings, have been among the pioneering musical works in the Goddess Spirituality Movement.  Ruth began her formal Goddess studies with founding Goddess Movement muse Shekhinah Mountainwater in 1975. Since inheriting Z Budapest's Los Angeles ministry in 1980, Ruth has taught magical and ritual arts in the Dianic tradition at festivals and conferences across the United States, in Canada, and Great Britain. She is HP Emerita of Circle of Aradia. In 1997 Ruth was honored as recipient of the L.A.C.E. award for outstanding contributions in the area of Spirituality from the Gay and Lesbian Center in Los Angeles. In 2000, Ruth co-founded Temple of Diana, Inc, with life partner, Falcon River. Ruth is author of Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation, and editor for the anthology, Female Erasure – What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights. Ruth co-leads an annual women's pilgrimage to Crete with Catherine Ridder.  Ruth teaches classes online through Temple of Diana grove, Guardians of the Grove. and



Hestia Bee (Michigan)


Hestia began her studies in Dianic Craft in the late 1980s with Ruth Barrett after attending a memorable Autumn Equinox ritual with Circle of Aradia. Hestia was ordained a Dianic Priestess of Ritual by Ruth Barrett in 1992. She has served in leadership in many capacities at Temple of Diana member grove, Circle of Aradia. She teaches workshops and classes series, and also serves as a teacher's assistant for the online classes of Ruth Barrett and Falcon River. Since 2020, Hestia has served as Deputy Convening Priestess of COA and will fill in for Cerridwyn Roselabrys, High Priestess of CoA, in the event of her absence from duty. Hestia's magickal interests include ritual design and facilitation, divination, and education. Hestia has been a tarot reader for over 40 years with a specialty in tradition-informed intuitive reading. She enjoys practicing yoga and following a host of true-crime podcasts. Hestia holds an undergraduate degree in Women's Studies and master's degrees in Counseling, and Behavior Analysis.



Kerry Cerridwen (Vermont)

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Kerry Cerridwen has been on the Goddess path for 36 years, is a graduate of Spiral Door, and was ordained Priestess of Her Wisdom in Z's and Ruth's lineage. She has been a facilitator for COA and Temple of Diana, taught some COA and Spiral Door courses, and ran a Dianic grove Sisters of the Moon before moving to Vermont. She holds a Ph.D. in Folklore & Mythology, and is a college professor; as a scholar, she has been writing ethnographic papers about practitioners of Dianic witchcraft for over 20 years.

Kathy Crocco (Ohio)


Kathy was a member of the archery crew assisting Falcon River at Amazon Archery at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival for many years. Kathy is a retired special education teacher and loves to support women in this form of female empowerment.

Sandy Cybele (California)

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Sandy Cybele is an ordained Temple of Diana priestess and convening priestess of Chalice Moon Grove.  A hereditary witch, she’s spent a lifetime learning to trust her intuition and developing her psychic abilities.  An elder crone, she continues to grow and deepen her skills as she teaches and learns from her students. She has been teaching Dianic classes and facilitating seasonal rituals and monthly moon circles for over 30 years.

Shelley Graff (Ohio)

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​Shelley Graff, singer/songwriter, believes her sacred journey is guiding her to share the ancient tradition of Singing in Sacred Circle with as many womyn as possible. For the past three decades, Shelley has been traveling around the country performing and sharing the Sacred in Singing Circle experience with womyn at gatherings, festivals, retreats...!  Moon Mama, Fire On The Arrow, Coming Home, and For All The Womyn are Shelley's four CDs that were inspired by and are a tribute to the healing/sounding work of the late Kay Gardner. Visit Goldenrod Music (  to purchase or download Shelley's music!  Visit: and/or   

Nicki Harris (California)

​is an ordained Temple of Diana Priestess of the Guardian Path. She is a graduate of the Spiral Door program and has served as a teaching assistant for the program. Nicki is a member of the Westside Threshold Choir singing at the bedside of the dying and is co-facilitator of a Los Angeles area women’s singing circle inspired by the work of Kay Gardner and Shelley Graff. Nicki regularly serves at Temple of Diana Grove rituals and is the former president of the Temple of Diana Board of Directors and Chair of the Daughters of Diana Gathering Committee.​

D. Ebony Labrys (Oregon)


is a daughter of Oya, and has been a student of The Craft since the late 1980’s, when she first saw the Daughters of the Moon Tarot deck. Since then, she has evolved into an eclectic Dianic Witch, writing, co-writing and priestessing group rituals in Oregon. She is also a student of Ruth and Falcon’s and aspires to become a priestess in the Temple of Diana path.  

“I am a Seeker, and on my Path, I have been blessed with teachers in both the Santeria and Wiccan traditions. I serve the Goddess as a Teacher, a Priestess and a womon born womon, working to help myself and my sisters tap into Her Divine Spirit. When we are steady on our feet and within ourselves, we raise the Matriarchy, feed our children and make the world safe once again, for the generations yet to be. Magic is all around us, even in those things that seem mundane and commonplace. My hope is that I may, through the rituals and workshops in which I participate, help womyn see how truly powerful we are.”

Sara Macaluso (California)

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 is an ordained Temple of Diana priestess and graduate of/teaching assistant for the Spiral Door of Women’s Mysteries. Sara has been doing ground archery for 15+ years, having first picked up a bow at one of the earliest Daughters of Diana gatherings where archery was being offered by her mentor and friend, Falcon River. In 2019 she fulfilled a “bucket list” goal by taking a clinic in mounted (horseback) archery and quickly fell in love with the sport. Since then, she has continued to train and compete in mounted archery, most recently placing first in her division at the “Mayhem on the Mountain" national ranking competition hosted by Hidden Creek Ranch in Frazier Park, CA. Sara is a Level II archery instructor and active member of Poseidon’s Horse Archers.

Larissa Montfort (California)

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Larissa Montfort has been exploring her passion for West African, Congolese, and Afro-Cuban rhythms since 1995 with many teachers including Mabiba Baegne, Ubaka Hill, Afia Walking Tree, and Catherine Veilleux. She traveled to Guinea, West Africa several times to further her studies of drumming and dance. She has performed with Afia Walking Tree's Spirit Drumz, Jennifer Berezan in Song for All Beings, and Ubaka Hill at Michfest. Larissa accompanies dance classes, women's rituals, and healing circles. In her own words Larissa shares: "Drumming allows me to express my joy, strength, and freedom, while serving the spirit of the music, the dance, and the empowerment of women.

Caterina  Fiordellisi Nelli (California)


Caterina is a native of the Detroit metropolitan area, first generation Italian and has lived more than half her life in the Los Angeles area.  She been a part of Circle of Aradia (CoA) since the early 90’s and facilitating for the past few decades.  Caterina was ordained in November of 2014 by Ruth Barret. She has served on the board of CoA and Temple of Diana, Inc.  She currently serves at The Assistance League of Los Angeles and is chairing Operation School Bell that served several thousand students last year alone in the Los Angeles School District. Caterina’s passion is ritual and finding deep meaning in all passages of life. Dear to her heart is the Croning Ritual, and she looks forward to facilitating in your diving into your unique tapestry and weaving your vision. Always In Her Service….

Catherine Ridder (California)


Catherine is a Dianic initiate and has been a ritual drummer since 1996 for Circle of Aradia, and has co-facilitated ritual retreats since 1995 (including yearly women's pilgrimages to Crete with Ruth Barrett). She is a marriage and family therapist in private practice, as well as a certified massage therapist. Catherine is a passionate nature-lover and engages in wilderness adventures of all sorts. 

DiAnna Ritola (NY City/New York)

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is a Dianic Priestess and Interfaith Minister. With nearly 2 decades of experience as a counselor and educator at the intersections of feminism, sexuality, and spiritual practice, DiAnna has been both a solo witch and a community priestess, serving as clergy with The Mother Grove Goddess Temple in Asheville, NC for 4 years (2013-2017). DiAnna knows the Goddess calls us to celebrate the pleasure of embodiment, and DiAnna facilitates shedding shame, embracing touch and connection, and truth telling as a spiritual sexual female. Her book, Mismatched Luggage: Unpacking Your Sexual Baggage for Your Spiritual Journey was published in 2020 and is available for purchase. She offers counseling via Zoom to women around the world.

Cristina Pandolfo 'Astrum Lucifera' (Sicily/Wales)

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Cristina is a solopreneur, creatrix of the esoteric herbal apothecary In Lumine Lunae and founder of the Dianic spiritual organization Templum Dianae. She has been initiated in the Dianic Tradition and officially ordained Dianic Clergy (Priestess) by the Temple of Diana (Los Angeles, CA). Cristina is also author, ritual perfumer, esoteric herbalist trained in herbal medicine, certified Plant Spirit Healing practitioner behind Lumen Viridia, member of the British Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP) and landscape architect specialized in healing gardens and therapeutic landscape. She has been teaching classes and workshops about occult-craft, esoteric herbalism and female spirituality in Italy and abroad since 2010.

Falcon River (Michigan)


is an ordained Temple of Diana Priestess, and co-founder of Temple of Diana, Inc.  She has helped create and support women's ritual circles since 1976. Falcon teaches magick, tree lore and Norse runes (bringing a feminist perspective), and other related Heathen lore online through ToD grove – Guardians of the Grove, and at women’s festivals. Falcon is an experienced archery instructor who will also be assisting with Amazon Archery this year at our gathering.

Cerridwyn RoseLabrys (California)


started on her Dianic journey on May Eve, 1974, with the Susan B. Anthony Coven#1 and Dianic feminist foremother Z Budapest and organized her first coven in the state of Washington where she did extensive research studying world cultures and their Goddess roots while pursuing a minor in history. She earned a master's degree in counseling at USC, and joined with newly ordained High Priestess Ruth Rhiannon Barrett in the new Moon Birch Grove coven. Cerridwyn was ordained as Priestess of Ritual and Herstory on Brigid, 1981. She co-authored several seasonal rituals, some of which continue to be celebrated by Circle of Aradia. She is a graduate of the Spiral Door Women's Mystery School of Magick and Ritual Arts, and was ordained as High Priestess at Winter Solstice by Ruth Barrett in 2011, during the 40th year celebration of the Feminist Dianic Tradition in Los Angeles. She holds center as High Priestess for Circle of Aradia to this day.

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